Baldwin Acrosonic Piano - $450 obo

This treasured member of our family has been around since about 1989, but is probably a decade or so older than that. Based on my estimated age of the piano, and the years Baldwin manufactured the Acrosonic, I'm willing to bet it's a '78, '84', or, less likely, an '88. The piano came with the home my parents purchased in 1989, and moved with us in 1993. That being said, I don't know much of the piano's history prior to my parents acquiring her.She is badly in need of a tune up and has a couple of keys that stick, but are not broken. Of my three siblings, I am the only one who took piano lessons on her- that was 20 years ago. I think my parent's kept her around so long because she really is a beautiful piece of furniture, though not without wear.