PVC white plastic schedule 40 assorted pipe fittings - $1


prefer to sell all at once or at least large quantities

PVC white plastic schedule 40 assorted pipe fittings

most not pictured, quantities approximate

NEW and unused

125 x 3/4 x 3/4 white schedule 40 slip-slip $0.15 each

30 x 1" white sched 40 slip-slip coupling, $0.30 each, PICTURED

50 x 1" male thread x 1" slip, white sched 40 PVC, $0.35 each.

100 x 1" slip x 3/4" female thread, angle, sched 40 white, $0.40 each

available in Santa Monica

maybe 50 each or so of unions 3/4" slip x slip and 3/4" thread x thread $1 each.

we have some others not listed here too- but NO actual PVC pipe lengths
$1.00 each