Exploring the Mystical Power of 7 Ratti MoongaRed Coral) - $169



Moonga, known in the Western world as Red Coral, is a gemstone celebrated for its vivid red color and revered for its astrological significance. Among its various sizes, the 7 Ratti Moonga holds a special place due to its specific weight and the believed benefits it offers to its wearer. This article delves into the origins, properties, astrological significance, and cultural importance of 7 ratti Moonga https://thevediccrystals.com/products/9-ratti-red-coral-moonga-gemstone, shedding light on why this gemstone has fascinated people across cultures and ages.

Origins and Physical Properties
Red Coral, scientifically named Corallium rubrum, is an organic gemstone formed from the calcareous skeletal remains of marine polyps. These polyps create coral reefs primarily found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Western Pacific Ocean. Moonga's distinctive red color ranges from pale pink to deep red, with deeper shades being highly prized for their intensity and rarity. click here https://thevediccrystals.com/products/9-ratti-red-coral-moonga-gemstone

In the traditional Indian measurement system, 1 Ratti is approximately equal to 0.91 carats. Hence, a 7 Ratti Moonga weighs around 6.37 carats. The gemstone's size and color intensity significantly affect its value and effectiveness, especially in astrological contexts where precise specifications are essential for maximizing its astrological benefits.

Astrological Significance
In Vedic astrology, Moonga is associated with the planet Mars (Mangal), symbolizing energy, courage, and vitality. Mars governs traits like assertiveness, determination, and physical strength. Therefore, wearing a 7 Ratti Moonga is believed to enhance these qualities, fostering courage, leadership, and success in endeavors.

Astrologers recommend Moonga for individuals whose Mars is weak or afflicted in their birth charts. The gemstone is believed to counteract the adverse effects of a weak Mars, such as lack of motivation, aggression issues, and health concerns related to blood and muscles. It is also thought to protect against accidents and promote overall vitality and well-being.

Cultural Importance
Moonga holds significant cultural importance in various traditions. In Hindu mythology, Red Coral is associated with Mars and is often worn to appease and harness the energy of this planet. It is considered auspicious for warriors, athletes, and individuals in professions requiring physical stamina and courage.

In Tibetan culture, Moonga beads are used in traditional prayer beads (mala) as symbols of strength and protection. Tibetan Buddhists believe that wearing Moonga promotes mindfulness and enhances spiritual practices by grounding and energizing the wearer.

Health Benefits
Beyond its astrological significance, Moonga is revered for its therapeutic properties. It is believed to improve blood circulation and boost the immune system. The gemstone's vibrant energy is said to enhance physical vitality and endurance, making it beneficial for athletes and individuals recovering from illness.

Moonga is also believed to aid in healing ailments related to blood disorders, such as anemia and clotting issues. It is thought to strengthen bones and alleviate joint problems, promoting overall physical health and well-being.

How to Wear 7 Ratti Moonga
To harness the full potential of 7 Ratti Moonga, it is crucial to wear it correctly according to astrological guidelines. Astrologers recommend setting the gemstone in a gold or copper ring and wearing it on the ring finger of the right hand. Tuesday is considered an auspicious day for starting to wear Moonga, as it is associated with Mars. Before wearing the gemstone, it is customary to purify it with Ganga water or milk and energize it with mantras dedicated to Mars.

Care and Maintenance
Maintaining the brilliance and effectiveness of 7 Ratti Moonga requires proper care. The gemstone should be cleaned gently using a soft cloth and mild soap solution to remove dirt and oil buildup. It is important to handle Moonga with care and avoid exposure to chemicals or extreme temperatures, as these can damage its surface and affect its color and luster over time.

7 Ratti Moonga transcends its beauty to embody astrological significance, cultural importance, and therapeutic virtues. Whether worn for its astrological benefits, cultural symbolism, or healing properties, Moonga continues to captivate and inspire with its vibrant energy and mystical allure. As a symbol of courage, vitality, and physical well-being, Moonga stands as a testament to the enduring fascination and reverence for gemstones that connect us to celestial energies and deeper dimensions of existence.