Factors To Consider Before Going Solar - $100

Texas, USA


The sun's power is a tempting option for eco-conscious homeowners. But before diving headfirst into solar panels, there are key factors to consider. This checklist will help you assess your situation and make an informed decision:

Sunshine Hours and Roof Suitability:

Sun Exposure: Solar panels need ample sunlight to generate electricity efficiently. Research your area's average yearly sunshine hours. Shady roofs may not be ideal for solar power generation.
Roof Size and Angle: Your roof should have sufficient space to accommodate the number of panels required to meet your energy needs. Additionally, a south-facing roof with a tilt angle close to your latitude generally offers optimal sun exposure. Energy Consumption and Costs:
Electricity Usage: Before you jump into the sunshine business (solar panels), you need to figure out how much "sunshine juice" (electricity) your house usually drinks. Dig out your past year's electricity bills - they'll tell you exactly how much power you use each month on average. This will help you size up the right solar panel system for your needs, kind of like figuring out how much lemonade mix you need for your lemonade stand! This will help determine the size and capacity of the solar panel system you'll need.

Net Metering: Imagine your house makes more sunshine electricity than it can use! Well, some areas have awesome programs where you can sell that extra power back to the big power company (the grid). It's like having a lemonade stand that's so popular, that you sell out of lemonade and even have some extra to sell back to your friends! This can seriously cut down on your electricity bill because you're getting some money back for the extra sunshine juice (electricity) you made. Check with your local utility provider for details and potential program limitations. For more information, visit our website: https://solarbuyback.com/