1/4" 4 foot by 8 foot Struct 1 Plywood sheets 17 total sheets - $400 obo
Pioneer, CA 95666, USA

17 sheets of APA PS1-83 ¼” 4’ X 8’ Struct 1 Exterior Plywood.These sheets sell for $29.48 EA to $40.13 EA at Lowes 17 sheets would be $550 to $740
Asking $400 for all 17 sheets or best offer!!
These sheets were bought in the 80’s and have been stored inside since the day they were bought. These sheets are actually 4 feet by 8 feet unlike the sheets sold today at any lumber yard.
Contact Pete at 209-295-5215 or 916-715-1228.
Please leave a message with a name and phone number if I do not answer your call.