#2 Prime Pressure Treated Lumber 2x12 2x8 - $500

#2 Prime Pressure Treated Lumber 2x12's and 2x8's(16)- 12' 2x12 ($28 a piece at home depot)
(1) 14' 2x12 (this was a 16' that was cut, $30 at home depot)
All 16 and (1) 14' for $340
5- 16' 2x12 ($37 a piece at home depot)
All 5 for $150
2- 12' 2x8 ($13 a piece at home depot)
3- 10' 2x8 ($12 a piece at home depot)
All 2x8's for $45.
Take all the lumber for $500.
You load and haul. No delivery.